*Andrew and Dr. Araujo (she is to the right of Andrew)*Well everybody, I'm sitting in my hotel room here in Houston and I have a big smile on my face after day 1 of round 3. Not because I am cured, not because chemo is all finished, not because I am even done with this cycle! My smile comes from getting some very positive news on my first meeting with my doctor in regards to "how this chemo treatment plan is working" We met with the doctor(s) for about an hour and a half today. I can tell you I was so nervous that I broke out in hives on my neck and back....they actually had to make sure I was ok! haha. That part went away quickly when I left the meeting, trust me. We discussed the results of my PET SCAN, which is a full body (head to toe) scan that detects tumor size, location, etc. The results after the first two treatments showed a shrinkage of the tumors that exist in the abdomen,pelvic area, and the liver. The spots in the liver actually showed the most significant improvement of all the areas that are affected. Also good news is that there is no other spread to other areas of my body at this time. Overall Dr. Araujo was very pleased with my progress, and is excited that I have stayed in really good health so far, not suffering from any side effects and able to be strong and healthy during the chemotherapy. She said that my nutrition has been excellent and my protein level is were it needs to be. She is going to keep me on the same drugs, and amounts for the next two rounds (rd 3/4) The only new drug I am going to introduce is a once a day acid reflex pill (nexium) to help reduce any acid issues. TEAM: I cannot tell you how excited I was when I walked out of that appointment. I went straight over to the chemotherapy intake and got right into the treatment, but not a thing in the world could have gotten me down today! I was getting my big shot of chemo late tonight, and I was thinking how lucky and blessed I am to have every single person in my life that cares so much for me, and of course the big man upstairs has been leading this all from the point guard position! Everyone out there that is with me every step of the way, is truly amazing, and so cool. Each one of you knows just the right thing to say to me, just at the right time that I need it. The prayers have been overwhelming, and our first prayer has been answered, and I feel truly blessed. Have a great week everyone, lets kick some butt this week out there in whatever you are doing!!!