Friday, July 9, 2010

July update

Blog Followers!

I had a scan done a few weeks ago, it was relatively uneventful in a positive way! There continues to be no new growth or existing tumors in any major organs, which is such a blessing-Especially the tumor in my liver that existed. I feel so lucky that isn't showing on the scans as of right now.....I still continue to have very small tumors in the lining of my stomach wall. NO growth or enlargement of those spots to report which is really cool. I also completed a round of chemo last week, which was nice to enjoy the fourth of July chemo free so to speak. It was a hard 2 weeks for some reason this time, but we made it through a-ok....I think the world cup on at all hours helped me pass the time! I am planning a visit in a couple weeks to MD Anderson, as my doctor is back from maternity leave. I need to work with her on what the next six months looks like, then the 2011 year. I'm certainly grateful for how far we have come in this past year and a half. I couldn't have dreamed for these levels of positive reports. So far to go still, but still grinding!



Laurie and Alan said...

Great news Andrew! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear, Drew! Hope to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news Andrew! Take good care of yourself...we think of you often.

Laura & Dennis

Anonymous said...

I'm a blog follower! Sooo happy :)!'AM

Sue Reifeiss said...

Wow, what good news. Amazing results, amazing doctors, amazing patient. Keep the faith and stay strong.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear the good news! Stay strong and hopefully we'll talk soon!


Anonymous said...

Yea Drew! Glad to hear all is going well and God continues to uphold you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew-

I'm a friend of Robb's and I only met you one time at a Christmas dinner at Daniel's in Bellevue 2 years ago. I just saw Robb yesterday and asked about how you were doing. Glad to hear things are going well for you right now. I just wanted you to know that even unlikely acquaintances like me are pulling for you. Keep at it and stay strong brother.

Ryan Downing