Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September Update

I wanted to send out a quick medical update for everybody who is following my medical progress. I am currently doing a round of chemo both this week and next week. I think this is my 3rd round since I last blogged in late July. I did gave a scan done about a month ago down in Houston at MD Anderson. I would call the test results positive mixed results. No tumors in any major organs and nothing blocking anything vital at this time. I did have some small growth in the tumors that still exist in my abdomin wall, interestingly though I had some shrinkage in similar tumors in the same area. I will be getting scanned again in mid October. At that point we will see if I need a new chemo regimine. I feel good, other then a few pounds overweight right now, I feel the best physically and mentally that I ever have during this nearly two year process. I have alot of good things going on outside chemo that I'm excited about as well. Thanks everybody for all your continued thoughts and prayers. Congratulations to my sister Elizabeth and her husband Tyler on their second child, Sonja Drew Denton!



Anonymous said...

Congrats on being an uncle again! Continuing to pray for you and all fighting the big C. Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew!
It's always great to hear an update from you! Good to hear that you had mostly positive results from the latest scan. I loved seeing some updated family pictures too. YOu continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and hopefully we can catch up sometime!

Stacey Switzer