Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chemo Thoughts Phase II

Whats up everyone,

I wanted to give an update on how everything went during my first dose of my "new" chemo rounds from Swedish Hospital in Seattle, WA. The treatment cycle was 12 days long, of which 10 of the days I received chemotherapy. On Day 1, I got all (3) of the chemo drugs, and the session lasted about 5 hours. Each of the next 9 days I was at the hospital for a couple of hours, for a 60 minute infusion each day. This chemo mixture is "lighter" then the 8 round dose that I took in Houston, TX at MD Anderson and I can certainly tell. My blood counts don't dip nearly as much, my fatigue level is alot less, and I really don't have many physical side effects. I think once I get the hang of this type of cycle, hopefully I will be able to create a more normal schedule again, returning to work, etc. The facilities and staff at Swedish are excellent, I have been very impressed. Also, the other services that they have available to patients have been a great help (social workers, counselors, chaplin, etc)

I am continuing to do great from a physical standpoint, I feel really lucky for that. I have seen many other patients struggle lately (people I have been following from MDA, and also locally here in Seattle) physically, but I really look up to them for how they are handling the mental part. I still am looking to create a better mindset on how I approach my daily life, and the choices that I make. My family and very close friends have really been trying to help me with that balance. Its by far the toughest part for me. I have always identified who I am with "what I am involved with" from my basketball days, to my working career. The cancer really put my whole mindset into a different place and I am still a little lost as to whats next for me, and what the next phase of my life looks like-personally, professionally, socially, and spiritually. The cancer can make you feel like you have limits as to what you can do, when in reality you don't, but its that daily fight to overcome those mental obstacles the creates the most challenge in my life. I remain so thankful for a loving family, and super set of friends. Thank you guys.

I will be going to Houston the 3rd week of October for a Scan, and meeting with Dr. Araujo on my continuing treatment plans. I start the second round of my 10 day dosage this coming Monday at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Talk to everyone soon-Enjoy the last few days of September and the sun!



Anonymous said...

Keep looking up Andrew. There are many prayers being uttered on your behalf. May God bless and guide you through this next phase!

Laurie and Alan said...

Yes, keep your focus on your Maker. We are so amazed at your strength and courage. Our prayers are w/you continueously.

Laurie and Alan

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you, Andrew!